Rpgelements.com was started by myself, E. Johann, an active miniature collector and painter, and the creator of dndlead.com, which is a site devoted to collectable vintage D&D metal miniatures.
In 2022 I acquired the rights to produce Center Stage Miniatures and this is where you can purchase these fantastic fantasy miniatures. This was one of my favorite miniature lines and I was really bummed when they went out of business and I always had hopes to get that line into my collection and also into the hands of others. In 2022 that opportunity came to me and we went into production. To learn more about the history of Center Stage Miniatures please visit the Center Stage Miniatures Page at dndlead.com.
All the available Center Stage Miniatures are being absorbed into the 5th Field Miniature brand as the foundation of our brand and I hope to add new sculpts to our collection as well. If there is any type of figure you would really like to see produced, send us an e-mail. If a few other's ask for it as well, we will prioritize its creation.
In addition to the Center Stage Miniatures mentioned above, I also obtained the rights to the Secret Skeleton Miniatures range, the Goodman Games Dungeon Crawl Classics range, a few of the Grenadier Julie Guthrie figures and a handful of Hobby Products Metal Magic figures.
In 2024 we picked up the Magnificent Egos Miniatures line which boasts many figures sculped by classic sculptors like Sandra Garrity and Jason Weibe.
Assisting me in this venture are my son Himanshu and twin daughters, Kirati and Adelaide. Himanshu is our resident sculptor and artist, while also heading up production as our casting expert. Adelaide is heading up the packing and shipping department. Kirati is our other resident artist and sculptor.
Why 5th Field Miniatures? What kind of name is that for fantasy
figures? The 5th Field is an ancient term for the field of battle where
the battles of good versus evil are fought. The number five is the
number of struggling against opposition, making the difference - its the
heroes' number and we still see this number symbolically active as the
five pointed stars on the shoulders of modern generals, with 5 stars
being the highest rank. The 5th Field is also symbolic of the human form
where the inner "gods," "demi-gods" and "heroes" struggle to overcome
the "dark inner adversaries." And for those of us who like to play role
playing games, we just can't wait to get our adventurer powerful enough
to descend into the abyss and play that same age-old scenario out with a
handful of dice. I have so many awesome demons, devils and other
evil beings in my miniature lineup; and they are all lined up on the 5th
Field waiting for some brave souls to hold their own against them.